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Theatercourses in Physical theatre

Mask theatre for adults


Together with actor and theatre pedagogue Carlos Becker, Annina Gieré runs theatre courses including performances for children, teenagers and adults at the HeuBühne, the idyllic small theatre on Lake Zurich.
The courses for adults are dedicated to physical theatre, especially mask theatre, specifically th
e style of human comedy that brings archetypes of society onto the stage with expressive masks. On the one hand, there is play, improvisation and own creation, on the other hand, technique and craft of movements with and without masks. In addition, the participants build their own professional masks under supervision.

Whether you want to get a taste of theatre for the first time or you're an old hand on the boards, you're welcome at HeuBühne!


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The 2024 performances took place in April at the HeuBühne, Atelier Theater Meilen.

The next courses will start again in spring 2025. 

Previous Courses

Maskentheater 2024

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Maskentheater 2023

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Maskentheater 2023

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Bande mimée/Comic Strips 2020


Maskenbau 2022-2024


©2024 by Annina Gieré

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